Yesterday I got to colour with my dad! How many adults can say that?! I don’t have any memories of my dad colouring, at all. The only memories of my dad even drawing was when he was making plans for the projects he would build; like a VHS stand. I think drawing for him was for a function, not for leisure. on March 9th, my dad retired; and so I purchased him some vintage car colouring books; as I knew he would be looking for hobbies to keep busy. To my surprise, he was eager to colour in them!

So yesterday, he sent me a picture that he had coloured. Who knew a man who always had rough stained hands from car oils and grease would colour so very gently! He had a great base to start, with a potential to learn some tricks; and he was up for it!

Within the hour, I was set up with a similar car to colour, pencil crayons and my dad on Facebook Messenger; ready for a virtual lesson. What a fun time spent with my papabear!

Check out his before and after pictures of his vintage chevy pickup. I am so proud of him!

One Reply to “Colouring with Dad”

  1. Awesome job Gordie, all it takes is a little help from our daughters, see you can do it, keep it up and you will be a professional, lol

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