I can’t begin to explain my excitement about this announcement!!!! Butterflies in my belly, giant and proud smile across my face, a jump up and down moment!
Yes, you are reading this right: I have written and illustrated my own children’s book with Corner Studio Publishing. https://www.cornerstudio.org/


This was one of those bucket list/dreamer’s goal MADE true.
While my brain was recovering over the last two years I was encouraged to focus on my skills, as stepping back from teaching full-time was a necessity to heal. In that journey I decided to get back to a project I had started a few years ago. This book was an idea: a project example for my students during their illustration lessons. The example served its purpose as I taught them about changing perspectives and composition and creating unity to carry through the book from page to page; and from there my book was put aside for future lessons.

While I was working on re-focusing, I came back to this project and decided to see it through. I proposed my book to a handful of publishers, and while I had one bite, Covid changed everything and before it began I was looking for another publisher again. But as they say, everything happens for a reason. I came across Corner Studio Publishing; a Quebec publisher; an artist, a mother, and someone with connections to the townships. A perfect fit!

Let me tell you about Po. If you didn’t already know, my nickname is Po, coined by my bestie and twin sister Nancy. Little Po, like myself, sees potential for hope and adventure in the small stuff of everyday. Po’s curious nature and wild imagination is very much Inspired by my own children and the stories of my nieces and nephews. This story is written in poem in both English and French!

The book is headed to the printers, so if you want a copy, let me know! I can take pre-orders! $15.99 plus Shipping. Write to me at sugarandpo@gmail.com to make an order and send your payment if you want to reserve your copy in the first printing batch.